Order problem

Shopping Guide

How to check orders?

Please click "Order"> "Order Inquiry" at the top of the homepage of the official website, or check through the official customer service mail.

Can I open a quotation?

You can generate a quotation by yourself through the official customer service mail or the official website shopping cart.

Step 1. After clicking on the things you want to buy on our store page, scroll to the bottom of the page, or click "Checkout" via the floating shopping cart on the right.
Step 2. Confirm what you want to buy, the amount, fill in your basic information, and click "Generate Quotation" in the "Purchase Method" section,
Finally click "Send". To
Step 3. This page will appear after sending. Click "Print Quotation" to generate a quotation. If you want to complete the payment, click "Continue to complete the order".

Can't solve the problem?

If you still can’t solve your problem, please write to us and attach a photo or video, and someone will contact you. To
contact us
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